There's still a lot of construction along the Avery road bikepath, so we cut through the Trabue Nature Preserve. Of course, we had to stop at the pond:
Loading up, Sam said his favorite part so far was relieving himself in the pond. I won't show that picture! But that boy sure has some range.
We were quickly on the road again, heading for the evening's destination, #28 Indian Run Meadows Park.
This is one of the kids' favorite playgrounds, mostly because it has two well-separated play structures that make for an exciting Monster game. This time, we also played with swords. And jumped off stuff:
Is it wrong to ask your kids to jump off something for a good blog photo? I didn't realize blogging would present such ethical conundrums.
One down, 30 to go.
I had such nostalgia for this playground, I used to come here as a kid. Thank you for taking theese nice photos , as it has been replaced in recent years<3