Saturday, June 22, 2013

Coffman Park and Frog Jump

Today was the day of the annual Kiwanis Frog Jump at #13 Coffman Park. Trying to beat the heat, we packed up the bikes at about 9:30 and were on the road. Henry led the way, as usual:

Jodi brought up the rear on her Trek:

Once there, we met the Big Frog:

I don't envy the guy in the frog suit today, it was about 90F and humid out. I can't imagine it's too nice to be the third or fourth guy to climb in that suit today, either. Yuck.

Next, we hit the rides, starting with the obstacle course:

Then the big slide:

Then the bounce house:

What's a guy in a Subway suit have anything to do with frog jumping? I'm not sure, but we got a coupon for a free sub:

Then it was time for the front jump. We carefully selected our frogs and got ready:

And then the frogs were off!

Or maybe not:

I'm not sure any of our frogs made it to the outer circle finish line. But Henry can still show off a winner's pose:

Of course, we stopped by the playground:

The playground has a music theme going on:

and quite a bit of public art:

On the way to the park, we were stopped by a Dublin bike ambassador (who knew, right?). Since the kids were wearing bike helmets (or strapped into the trailer) each kid got a certificate for a free ice cream treat. So after lunch at Chipotle, we had a cool stop at Cold Stone Creamery:

One down, 32 to go.

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