Monday, July 15, 2013

Singular Gryphon meets 2x4

With my new (to me) Singular Gryphon having a bent triangle, I summoned up my courage, had a beer, and decided to get all Sheldon Brown on it. I had just sold my Soma Double Cross frame this evening, so I was feeling pretty good about things. Or maybe that was the beer. Anyway, I got down to business:

Just some pressure over the seat tube, and the 2x4 should bring the driveside rear triangle inwards. On my first attempt, with only light to moderate pressure, I actually overshot my 135mm target, bending it to about 128mm. Oops. But I soon got it back to where it should be:

136mm is close enough in my book! But is the whole rear triangle crooked? The String Of Truth would determine that:

Run it from dropout, around the headtube, back to the same point on the opposite dropout, and then measure the side of each string to the seat tube:

I was within 1mm, which is good enough for government work, as my Pop says. The rear wheel slides easily into the dropouts and sits centered again in the rear triangle. Success! (yes, I should really check the derailer hanger alignment, but I'm running it single speed for now)

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