Sunday, August 25, 2013

DONE! Dublin Spring Park and Karrer Barn

Today was the day. After our dinner of taco slurry, we headed out for our final two parks. Our first stop was #18 Dublin Spring Park. We headed down the steps under the bridge:

I was still trying to dig the clues out of my pocket and Henry had already found the first Riverbox:

We left our mark:

While I was doing this, Henry had already found the next Riverbox:

Each box has a stamp, so we took advantage of that:

We then circled back under the bridge, across the spring creek:

We took a short hop down High street to #29 Karrer Barn:

Inside the wireframe structure was a replica of George Karrer's workshop. The kids did a dance of joy at completing our summer quest to visit all of Dublin's parks:

But to me, the center stone table looked more like some kind of sacrificial alter:

But perhaps I've just read too many fantasy novels growing up (as a side note, it was hard to get the kids to do this without explaining about human sacrifice. But Henry got the idea right away anyway, saying "hey, I'm going to act like I have a knife!" Some Lord of the Flies gene within us, I guess)

We headed back down High street for a celebratory ice cream cone at Jeni's:

I made the kids try something else first, but they all still ended up with dark chocolate. I had a toffee something which was delicious. I also had my own celebration after the kids were put to bed:

I've been looking for a reason to drink this Christmas ale that I've been saving!

Two down, and we're done!

Our sequel quest: three Riverboxes down (I stumbled across one earlier), eight to go.

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