Saturday, April 1, 2017

Henry's Rack

I was working on my fleet in the shop the other night when Henry wandered in and asked about installing some bags on his bike. Do I have the stuff to do that? Well, of course. I'm happy to encourage any small bike interest anyone in my family has, so I shoved aside my latest project and we set to work. With a cheap Performance rack, my only set of panniers, and some homemade extensions, we were ready to roll:

These extra struts aren't going to win any awards for stiffness, but then again, Henry won't exactly be carrying all of our heavy camping gear back there, either.

We had to make up a destination that involved carrying stuff, so the next day we decided to go to the school and throw around some boomerangs and the football. Henry led the way, wanting to show me that he can ride his bike to school by himself next year:

I had to catch up for some action shots:

We made it to GRE and unpacked:

We messed around for a bit, but the field was too soggy, and it was too windy, to make much use of the boomerangs (when we throw boomerangs, there's a lot of trotting around to pick them up). We packed up and headed for home.

Henry asked about some fenders as we went through some puddles. That's our next job!

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