Saturday, June 22, 2024

Zizzo Liberte for a Tall Guy

I mentioned in my previous post that I recently hopped down to Cincinnati to pick up a nearly new Zizzo Liberte folding bike. I already have a folding bike, my Bike Friday Crusoe, but I was wondering if a different folder would put me in a sweeter spot on the folding bike continuum

I didn't even test ride the Zizzo when I bought it, but a quick spin down the street told me it was much too short for me. Zizzo claims this bike is good up to someone 6'3" tall, my height, but I think they base this on the seat height--it was almost tall enough. But reach-wise, the bike was much too short. I set the bike aside while I ordered up some parts from Aliexpress and waited for them to arrive. The parts arrived this week and I got to work, giving me this:

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Old Bike Meets Old Trail

I've purchased two bikes in the last week or so (the Rockhopper, and a new Vaast A/1 that I will write about soon). So I certainly don't need to be be checking FB Marketplace, but there I was Friday, checking again, and came across this ambiguously labeled ad:

But I could see it was a Zizzo Liberte, a lightweight folder that normally costs about $400. I hesitated a moment or two, but I couldn't pass up the price, and so found myself on Saturday morning driving down to Cincinnati. Since I was going right past Caesar's Creek State Park, I threw the Rockhopper in the trunk to get a ride in on the way home.

The Bikes of 2024

Happy New Year to all! I feel like my bike flipping has been slowing down, but I expect writing this post may disabuse me of that notion. Re...