Saturday, May 23, 2020

Scooting (Razor A5 vs. A6), and Folding Bikes

We got Henry a larger Razor scooter (the A6) for Christmas last year. He wasn't immediately taken with it, but Kate was very happy, since Henry would no longer be stealing her old Razor A5. But with the shutdown, he's using it more. During the early part of the shutdown, Henry and I took both scooters out for a ride around our neighborhood. It was fun, and a new form of exercise, even if there isn't a lot of dignity in an adult riding a kid's scooter. But as a guy who rides a bike with 20" wheels while wearing knickers, clearly I'm not too concerned about dignity.

So I ordered a Razor A6 for myself, then Kate wanted a new scooter as well, and suddenly the garage is a awash in scooters. A few weeks back, I had an idea for a "big scoot." I drove my car down to the Dublin rec center one Saturday morning (~7 miles away), and unfolded my Xootr to ride home:

The Bikes of 2024

Happy New Year to all! I feel like my bike flipping has been slowing down, but I expect writing this post may disabuse me of that notion. Re...