Sunday, August 25, 2019

New Bike: Old Trek

I found the urge to buy a big old Trek road bike, again, my third. My 612 was a nice, but old enough that it still had an oddball collection of braze ones (one bottle cage, no shifter bosses, lots of nutted fasteners). I did a 650B conversion with it, but the Pacenti rims were awful. My 510 that followed it had nicely thinned lugs, but the frame wasn't straight. Since I recently sold my Soma--it just didn't excite me--I've been without a road bike this summer. Unless you consider the Dahon, which I've been riding--and enjoying--during this time.

But I felt the urge for another big old Trek. Some CL trawling led me to this bike in Dayton:

It was cheap, but not local, but a trip to Dayton is a good excuse to go out to Cici's pizza, which means I had some company on this trip:

The Bikes of 2024

Happy New Year to all! I feel like my bike flipping has been slowing down, but I expect writing this post may disabuse me of that notion. Re...