Sunday, June 23, 2019

S24O With The Boys

After a summer of relentless rain, we finally had a nice forecast to head out for some camping. After selling my Burley Picolo earlier in the spring, this would be Sam's first trip riding his own bike (and only Henry's second trip). I was also trying to get the boys more self-sufficient, so I had them packing up their own gear for this trip. After some quick omelets for dinner on Saturday night, we headed out.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

New Bike: Soma Wolverine

I've been in a fleet reduction phase lately. Again. Despite my longstanding appreciation of Rivendell's values, I can never seem to keep their bikes around very long. Both the Quickbeam and the Clem left the garage, rolled into one Soma Wolverine as an all-rounder:

This is the V3 frame, purchased a bit impulsively (after several months of hemming and hawing) when Soma had a 20% off sale, AND finally offered free shipping on their frames. The build didn't go as easily as the ordering, though.

Karate Monkey Drop Bar

I tried to make my KM into a townie, but it didn't take. It never does. It's meant to be a rigid, single speed mountain bike:

And because I was worried about seeing myself coming and going on the trail in this setup, I recently added my Thudbuster as well. Just to make it a bit different.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Travels with Dahon, and Sam

I've been riding my Dahon quite a bit this spring. It's actually my most ridden bicycle at this point. Besides it's easy "grab 'n go" nature, it's fun to toss it in the trunk for quick adventures. For instance, a few weekends ago, I was planning to drive Henry down to Dayton to stay overnight with his cousins. My first thought was to throw my Jones in the car to ride at MOMBA in Dayton after dropping Henry off, but the trails were too wet in this soggy spring. Instead, I tossed the Dahon in the trunk, and rode some rails-to-trails near Dayton.

I started at the Beavercreek trailhead at the 9/11 memorial:

The Bikes of 2024

Happy New Year to all! I feel like my bike flipping has been slowing down, but I expect writing this post may disabuse me of that notion. Re...