Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Trek Day

While I was out running around with Henry on Saturday, I saw our local Trek Store had their used kids' bikes at 50% off. They had a 16" Trek Mystic in pink that I thought would be perfect for Kate... but I didn't buy it, figuring it would make for good father/daughter time if I brought her with me the next day to get it.

Of course, the next day, it was gone.

Helpfully, the Trek guy called around to their other stores, and the Westerville location had the same bike for sale. We trekked up there (ha!), and $55 later, Kate had a great new bike:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bike and Hatchet Update

So I've been riding my NiKnard around, managing three off road trips over Christmas break here.

The Bikes of 2024

Happy New Year to all! I feel like my bike flipping has been slowing down, but I expect writing this post may disabuse me of that notion. Re...